Tarot’s Tales No. 1 Life through a dog’s nose, eyes, ears (and stomach!)


Mr Tarot Sparrow

Tarot’s Tales: 🐾

My name is Tarot. I’m a male, black Labrador retriever puppy. I’m going to be sharing my life experiences with you (good and bad) as I grow up. I have ‘employed’ a ghost writer to help me. She is human so mistakes are almost guaranteed! Any factual errors in my Tales will be due to her misunderstanding of my needs and wants, especially in the early days as we get to know one another. No one can fully understand how another member of their own species really feels at any one time, so it is even harder to imagine the experience of a different animal. I make no apologies then if my ghost writer talks about dogs experiencing some of the same emotions that humans do. Considering how I (and other dogs) might be feeling in different situations can only be good for our wellbeing. And, it might just help us both to behave in ways that make the very best of our lives together 🐾 Over to my ghost writer…

Human interpretation:

Tarot’s Tales might include a brief dip into a relevant area of science. What we know, and often what we don’t know, about what makes a dog tick. I’ll keep it light and where possible list additional open access (free) reading links in case you’re interested to learn more. When ‘ghost writing’ my aim is to relay to you my observations of Tarot as accurately as I can. With empathy and compassion, imagining what the world might be like from his perspective. I do recognise the dangers of being anthropomorphic (attributing human characteristics to animals). Dogs are not human. I also acknowledge the controversy around the extent to which animals are thought to experience emotions. So, here’s my bias up front. I am persuaded that animals experience a range of emotions, and that mood state and emotions influence how animals behave. If my bias sparks debate, then Tarot’s Tales may challenge us to question what we think we understand about the emotional lives of animals. Questioning with an open mind is the foundation of scientific progress, and I believe vital for improving the wellbeing of our animal companions.

Behaviour / training tip:

Finally, where relevant, I will share suggestions that may help you with your puppy or dog should you find yourselves in a Tarot’s Tales situation!


About the ghost writer

Julie Daniels is a certified companion animal behaviourist and professional dog trainer. Julie’s specialist interest is in working with animal emotions, the critical and often misunderstood key to preventing and resolving problematic animal behaviours.  Her knowledge and practical experience come from her COAPE Diploma in the Principles and Practical Application of Companion Animal Behaviour and Training, a Master’s degree in Clinical Animal Behaviour and extensive CPD. Julie’s MSc research dissertation 'An evaluation of the behaviour consultation and factors influencing advice compliance from the perspective of pet dog owners' won the prize for best dissertation thesis (University of Edinburgh) and has been published in the Journal of Veterinary Behaviour (2 papers) .


  • Certified Animal Behaviourist and Trainer: COAPE Association of Applied Pet Behaviourists and Trainers

  • Pre-Certification (Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist): Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour

  • Candidate Member: Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians

  • Certified Animal Behaviourist and Trainer: International Companion Animal Network

  • Full Member: Association of Pet Dog Trainers

  • Registered Animal Training Instructor: Animal Behaviour and Training Council


Julie offers training and behaviour modification for dogs and cats in Bedfordshire, UK.

If you would like to learn more about how Julie could help you and your pet, click on the button below or please feel free to contact her on juliedaniels@thinkingpaws.co.uk.


Is it OK if my dog fears going to the vet?


Tarot’s Tales No. 2 Life in the litter