Thinking Paws Terms & Conditions

By making a booking you are confirming that you have read, understood and fully accept our terms and conditions listed below:


  • All bookings will be confirmed in writing by Thinking Paws Ltd before your first class/1:1 appointment. No further reminders will be sent.  It is your responsibility to attend your class/1:1 appointment on the correct date and time and at the right location.  If you are not able to attend, please let us know as soon as possible (by phone, text message or e-mail).


  • Payment in full for all services must be made seven days in advance of the group lessons / 1:1 training or behaviour modification appointments.

  • Payment can be made by BACS transfer or by cheque. Failure to pay in a timely manner may result in your place being given to another client. Price advertised at the time of booking applies.

Refunds / Cancellations / Cooling off period

  • Due to costs associated with venue hire, refunds may not be given for any cancellations unless your place can be filled by another client.

  • No refund for cancellations due to lack of vaccination / no vaccination card

  • No partial refunds for missed classes

  • Behaviour consultation packages must be paid for in full in advance

  • There is a period of 14 days to exercise your statutory right of withdrawal from this agreement without penalty and without giving any reason. This period shall begin from the acceptance of this agreement. If the client(s) agree to any service commencing within the 14-day cancellation period, Thinking Paws Ltd will charge for any service the client has benefitted from if you decide to cancel.  Once written notice of cancellation has been received, the client is entitled to a refund within 14 days, less any charges for services used.


  • Please make every effort to attend all of your group classes / 1:1 training / behaviour modification sessions to gain the most benefit for you and your dog / cat.

  • All dogs attending group classes must be fully vaccinated using conventional vaccines and evidence by way of vaccination record must be produced in advance of training. Homeopathic alternatives will not be accepted and such dogs will be treated as not vaccinated.

  • Occasionally a class environment may not suit a particular dog or owner. In that circumstance, the best way forward will be discussed with you in private.

  • All family members living with the dog (including children) are invited to attend group classes and to get involved with the training. Children must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult who must agree to prevent the child / children from disturbing the class. We reserve the right to ask disruptive children not to attend future classes.

    You are responsible for your animal at all times. 

  • We make every reasonable effort to ensure the safety of you, your family and your animal – however by making a booking you accept that participating in activities with dogs / cats, children and adults poses a risk of injury to yourself, your animal and others, and you agree to indemnify Julie Daniels and Thinking Paws Ltd for all personal injury and damage to property owned by you however so caused while participating in group training classes, 1:1 training or behaviour modification sessions with Julie Daniels and Thinking Paws Ltd. Furthermore, you are responsible for ensuring anyone accompanying you is aware that they are attending at their own risk.

Training / Premises Rules

  • Dogs must be put on their lead prior to exiting the vehicle and must remain on their lead at all times unless told otherwise by a trainer.

  • Dogs are not allowed to make contact with other dogs unless otherwise indicated by your trainer.

  • All accidents / injuries must be reported immediately to your trainer and an accident form completed.

  • The following items are NOT PERMITTED under any circumstances: Flexi leads, slip leads, choke / check / prong / pinch / electronic / shock / citronella collars of any description. Any other device that causes pain, fear or discomfort to the dog or any other equipment the instructor deems to be unacceptable may similarly not be used.

  • The use of physical force, intimidation and / or punishment-based training methods will not be tolerated. Anyone using such approaches will be asked to stop immediately.  If they continue, they will be asked to leave the class / session without refund.

  • Appropriate footwear suitable for an indoor or outdoor environment must be worn at all times.

Photography and video recording

  • With your permission, photographs or video recordings may be made during a class, 1:1 training or behaviour modification session for the purposes of teaching and / or research and marketing of Thinking Paws Ltd.

  • Please sign the separate consent form to be kept on your file if you are happy for your photographs/video recordings to be used for the purposes outlined above.